Saturday, September 19, 2009

Summer 2009

Ben Fishing at Devils Lake

Farruzah fishing at Devils Lake

Grandpa Harold with the grand children at the farm

Zoe from Sesame Street Live

My favorite part of Sesame Street Live

Jesse and I took Owen and Eleece, we are always looking for excuses to see Oscar.

August trip to Como Zoo

We got to see Robert and Lissy when we were there.

I can't believe the sloth is real.

1st time we saw butterfly display.

Alana and kids with Sponge Bob and Patrick at Mall of America
Climbing ride
Evan got real high

Farruzah reaches the top.

Eleece posing with a Backyardigan.

Jesse's family at Grandpa Hall's funeral. Only one brother couldn't make it we missed you Stan and family.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Last Five or So Months

Farruzah turned 11 this year. These are the friends who attended her 5th annual party for a cause. This year she selected to give food to St. Vincent de Paul. Every year she selects a non profit and donates her gifts to them. This has been a tradition that she loves and plans on continuing. Even her friends enjoy it. There is no pressure for presents and more people are able to attend.

This was one of the last storms of the year. The snow flakes were the size of baseballs (they were all clumped together) I wish the picture was better.

Once again both Ben and Farruzah were in soccer, this spring. Some how Ben's pictures didn't turn out but Farruzah's team looks great!

Thursday May 21st was a big day for Farruzah, she graduated from elementary school. Here are pictures from the event. Farruzah playing her violin and posing with her friends.

I don't want to leave out her flute and her receiving the Presidential award for merit from her principal.

Finally, we made our trip to Minneapolis to see Jesse's siblings. The kids had a great time with their cousins Friday and Saturday. Here are some of the highlights from the weekend.

Kids having fun with Sarah

Joseph with Diego at Mall of America

Evan and Lissy at the zoo

All the kids at the Como Zoo.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Christmas 2008

Christmas this year was much like every other Christmas for a few years now. We load up the car and head to Grandpa Harold's (my dad). He lived in Crystal, ND. It is about 1 hour and 15 minutes North of Grand Forks. We always have a great time. We eat great food, my dad prepares and play lots of trivial pursuit, a family tradition. This year my brother Chris and I were the big winners. Saturday we had a get together with my mom and got to visit with her a bit.

Kids on the way to Grandpa Harold's
Kids in front of the tree with cousins and my step mom, Julie.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Farruzah's Concert

Farruzah was a triple threat at this years Lake Agassiz Concert. She plays the violin and flute, she also sings in the chorus. Let me tell everyone something. She says she hates the violin, I think she does a good job.
Her dad took the pictures and didn't feel the need to take one with her favorite instrument, is this telling me something? Maybe that I will only have memories of the violin. I don't know. I hope she sticks with it. I love the sound of the violin. The flute is ok also, but the violin is so beautiful.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Farruzah and Dad went to Nelson's Pumpkin Patch

This year Farruzah and her dad decided to take a trip to Nelson's pumpkin patch. I think Farruzah really likes Halloween. I don't get it, Halloween has always been my least favorite holiday. I don't know where she gets it.

Don't you love Jesse's new friend

After the pumpkin patch, the university had their trick or treating in the dorms. Here is a picture of Farruzah, Evan and cousins Eleece and Owen ready to go. Ben was sick and couldn't attend the fun.

I think Evan looks tough in this picture.

Fall sports

Farruzah going down the field, her favorite position is defense. Her team this year was the cougars.

Some action shots of Ben, he enjoys soccer. Ben was a Mackeral.
This fall Ben and Farruzah were in soccer. All three children did swimming, Farruzah is done with lessons she just swims with the Wahoo's club. For 6 weeks we were running every night from one practice to another. It was fun but exhausting.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Indiana Jones

Now maybe I am getting old, but we went to the new Indiana Jones and boy did it suck, for lack of a better word. Aliens, bad computer effects and an old Harrison Ford. That makes for a bad movie. Where is the Indie of the 80s. I liked the idea of India and mysterious lands, not aliens from space and a strange psychic lady. My son Evan and nephew Owen loved it. I guess I really am that old.